Looking For A Cute Cat? Yavru Kedi, Temiz Baktım. Tüyleri Çok Güzel., İstanbul


Köpek · Belirtilmemiş · Yavru · Dişi
İstanbul · Belirtilmemiş · 2015-12-01
Yuva bulmuştur

Şimdi, bu kediyi köy evi için bizzat sahibinden aldım. Planlar değişince şehre gelmek zorunda kaldım ve yanımda getirdim. Maalesef bakamıyorum şu an. Yani eve alamıyorum. Evde yaşayan diğer sakinler istemiyorlar. Bahçede beslememi istiyorlar. Fakat kedi sürekli eve girmek için miyavlıyor zavallı. Ben de kömürlükte bakıyorum ama kedinin psikolojisinin bozulmasından korkuyorum. Çünkü narin yetiştirdim. Sokakta yaşayamaz kolay kolay. Can you take care of my pet? / Evcil hayvanıma bakabilir misiniz? I am looking for someone who can have my pet; a cat. She can't be a cat for garden or something similar because she is really in need of a house where people lives. Reason is; I had him when she was about 2 weeks old. She got used to a warm house, where people lives and she got used to me. Most importantly, she got used to someone who plays with her everyday, who embraces her and brings & makes different toys in different colours. So she has this saucebox a little bit but it is cute, instead of being annoying. So, she is near 3 months now. I had to change my plans, I am in city now, rarely visiting village house. I decided to bring her here as well but I am not owning a house yet, so someone needs to take care of her. I am trying to feed & care of her in the garden, in a car parking garage. 2 weeks ago, she fall down from something to the ground in the garage, she broke her right-front leg. We took her to veterinary, it really costed a packet but finally, she is getting better. The plaster cast helped her but she lost lots of kilos because of that. Now, 1 week passed and we took the plaster cast away and during this time, she became a fatso smile ifade simgesi Believe me she is so sweet; I will upload the pictures tomorrow. She is sleeping now in the garage.

İlan Numarası : 79737

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Osman B.